Planning a move? The many tasks involved in a long-distance move start well before moving day, and proper planning can help you avoid common hassles. We should know! Our moving company has provided moving services for more than two decades, and we’ve helped thousands of people complete their relocations.
Our experienced residential movers have put together a helpful checklist to keep in mind as you plan your move.
Pre-Move Checklist
Print out this list, so you won’t forget any important details.
☐CHOOSE A MOVING COMPANY: This should be your first order of business. Here’s why: The best moving companies are often booked well in advance—especially during peak season. Reserving early ensures you’ll get your first choice of movers.
☐ DOWNSIZE YOUR BELONGINGS: Do you really want to pay to move clothes that no longer fit, outdated furniture, or small appliances that do nothing more than collect dust? Planning a move is the perfect excuse to downsize your belongings.
☐ PLAN FOR THE WEATHER: Check the weather in the days leading up to the move. If it’s going to be extremely hot or if will be raining or icy, make special preparations, such as having plenty of water on hand, putting up tarps, and having sidewalk salt on hand.
☐ TURN UTILITIES OFF AND ON: Call the new utility company ahead of time to learn about lead times for having the utilities turned on. Ideally, you’ll want to have them turned on the day before you move in and the utilities at your current home turned off the day after you move out.
☐ PACK CONVENIENCE BAGS: While it’s not likely your shipment will be delayed, it’s a good idea to make provisions just in case that happens. Pack a convenience bag for each member of your family. Include items such as a change of clothes, medications, toiletries, and toys for small kids. Also, items for your pets when packing comfort bags.
☐ FORWARD YOUR MAIL: You can do this ahead of time and put a future date on when your mail should start being forwarded. Taking care of this early lets you cross something off your list.
☐ SCHOOL REGISTRATION: Some schools require more information and documentation than others. Reach out to the school or schools your children will attend, so that you’ll have everything you need to register them.
☐ NEW HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS: Research and contact doctors, dentists, and veterinarians in your new city or town.
Contact Our Highly Reviewed Moving Professionals
We help with local and long-distance moves, and our courteous professionals provide comprehensive relocation services. If a move is in your future, contact First Class Moving Systems to schedule a free consultation and accurate cost estimate.
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